Pre-treatment Information

Tympa Health Ear Wax Removal.

Booked an ear wax removal appointment? Here’s what you need to do…

3 days before you arrive:

-3 days before you arrive we recommend using 3 applications daily of olive oil ear spray to soften any wax.

– Doing this will ensure the best treatment outcome.

– If you are a hearing aid wearer it can be advisable to avoid wearing the hearing instrument/s when olive oil has recently been administered, therefore overnight application of an ear wax softener may be best.

-Olive oil spray available at Talbot Associates – THE FOOT CLINIC and most chemists.

During your appointment:

– The appointment typically takes between 30 – 45 minutes.

-You’ll need to sign a consent form before we remove any wax from your ears.

– Our practitioner will observe you ear with the latest digital otoscope and record this information to monitor you ear health.

– We’ll then talk you through what to expect and explain the equipment being used.

-Wax is removed from the ear by a small suction tube. This procedure can be noisy.

-In rare situations, wax removal may be deemed unsuitable or need to be abandoned during the procedure. Most commonly this is because abnormalities of the ear are identified which require further assessment by your GP or an ENT specialist, making it inappropriate to proceed.

After your appointment:

-Keep ears dry for a minimum of 24 hours after the appointment.

-It can be helpful to use a cotton wool ball in the entrance to the ear canal  with some petroleum jelly when showering.

– Inform your clinician and seek advice from an appropriately qualified medical professional immediately if any discomfort, pain, swelling, discharge, odour or disruption to your hearing is experienced following the procedure.

Marina Volodko – Clinician. TympaHealth Ear Wax Removal

Marina has completed a course with TympaHealth which is accredited by The British Society of Audiology (BSA) and The British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA).